Core Data
Core Data Information dialog box allows you to associate a core cost and charge
with an inventory item. The dialog box has the following fields:
- Qty On Hand - The quantity of cores that you have in inventory.
- Core Cost - T he cost of the core. (What you pay as a core deposit to the supplier.)
- Core Sale $ - The sale price of the core. (The amount that you charge the customer if a core is not returned or in reconditionable condition.)
If you associate a core cost with an inventory item, when the
part is placed on an order, you are prompted to decide if you will be applying a
core charge.
Select Yes to include the
cost on the order. The core cost appears as a line item on the order.
No to not include the cost on the
order. The on-hand quantity for the core is increased by one.
parts "Last Cost" includes the cost of the core. For example, if the "Last Cost" on the
part is $100 and the core cost is $25, no matter how you select on the prompt
"to include core or not" when transferring part to the order, the order will
receive a part cost of $75.