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Grid Line Colors

The Grid Line Colors dialog box allows you to specify the colors of line items as they appear in the Work-In-Progress grid and the Order, Revision or History screens. These colors are retained into the user profile allowing users to pick the colors they are most comfortable with.

On the WIP screen, Estimates are Gray, Repair Orders are bright blue and Invoices are black UNLESS they’ve been printed in which case they are dark blue. On the Order screen, by default, labor is green and parts are blue. Highlight the line to be changed and then click on Change Line Color until you see the color you want.

You can also change the background color to White or Yellow for the Work-In-Progress screen and other screens that use similar grids. There is a Restore Defaults to put it back to the original colors, just in case. Click OK to save any changes to your user profile.

To change a grid line color:

1. Select Special Maintenance from the Setup menu.

The Special Maintenance submenu displays.

2. Select Grid Line Colors from the Special Maintenance submenu.

The Grid Line Colors dialog box displays.

3. Click your mouse pointer on the grid line item for which you would like to change color.

4. Select Change Line Color.

The text color of the selected grid line item changes automatically, displaying the new color.

5. Continue choosing the Change Line Color button until the desired color is achieved.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for as many grid line items as desired.

7. Select a new grid background color, if desired (choices are White or Yellow). This changes the background color in the Work-In-Progress screen and other dialog boxes that use grids whenever you are the logged in user.

See also...

Special Maintenance