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Selecting Supercede in the Edit Part dialog box initiates a procedure to allow the creation or selection of a part to supercede the current inventory item.

To supercede an inventory item:

1.     Select a part from the Inventory List.

2.     Choose Edit.

The Edit Part dialog box displays.

3.     Choose Supercede.

        A dialog box explains that the procedure will allow the creation or selection of a part to supercede the current part.

4.     Choose OK.

        The Edit Part dialog box displays information from the previous part for the new part.

5.     Enter a new part number.

6.     Change any other fields or selections.

7.     Select Ok to save your superceded part number.

        A dialog box asks that you confirm the creation of the new part number.

8.     Select Yes to create the new part number.

See also.

Superceding Parts