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Work in Progress Detail

The Work in Progress Detail dialog box provides summarized information about a single, selected order. The information fields are the same as in the Work in Progress grid formatted in a user-friendly fashion.

To open the Work in Progress Detail dialog box:

Click on a grid line in the Work in Progress screen and then select Detail.


Right-click your mouse pointer on the grid line.

The Work in Progress Detail dialog box displays.

The Work In Progress Detail dialog box contains administrative information about the customer and his/her vehicle, the service writer, the scheduled and promised time, and the time that the vehicle arrived in the shop and completion time. In addition, the Work In Progress Detail dialog box contains several editable fields (displayed below).

Phone Numbers

Customer's Home and Office phone numbers (read-only).

Reference Number

Identifying number that you add to the order in the Order screen or Work In Progress Detail dialog box. You can use this field for any purpose you like (Cab #, for example).

See Also...

Work In Progress (Overview)