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Creating a Sub-Estimate

To create a Sub-Estimate:

1.     Select the Revision tab in the Order Screen.

        The Revision Panel displays.

2.     Using the Repair Line Button Bar, add parts and labor to create repair lines just like you would for any regular Manager order. Refer to Building Repair Lines , if necessary.

3.     Repeat step #2 for as many revisions as you wish to complete. You may notice that the SubEst tabs change colors to reflect the status of a sub-estimate. Blue represents the current order, light blue represents an empty sub-estimate, and red represents a sub-estimate (not currently open) which has completed repair lines.

        Once your sub-estimates are complete, Manager affords the opportunity to perform "what-if" analysis to look at various repair/pricing scenarios and then to selectively apply them to the open order. Refer to Revision Authorization for details.

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Attaching a Sub-Estimate to an Order

Revision Screen